Friday, February 6, 2009

Pregnancy to Birth

Hi all you new parents and parents to be. My name is Lori and I just had a beautiful baby girl almost 4 months ago. I am in no means a professional, but I am a new parent myself and a working woman as well and wanted to share some of my ups and downs and maybe we can all help each other. I welcome any comments, tips, tricks and complaints you may have. I am here to listen. So please read and enjoy and post at will.

We all know where babies come from and I know most women hate being pregnant, but me, well I loved it. I was very lucky in the fact that I had no morning sickness ( I know there are some of you that will hate me) and was basically able to continue to work normal hours and keep up with my normal routine at home. I can also say that I worked two jobs for most of my pregnancy. Most of you will call me stupid or ridiculous, but that extra money came in handy when I needed it. When I finally left that second job it was a blessing in disguise. I had more time to relax and spent more time with the baby's father.

When it came time for me to give birth, the doctor told me a t my final visit that I was 2 centimeters dialated and that she was giving me that weekend to have the baby on my own, or she was going to induce me on Monday morning. Excited as I was, I was scared to death. Turned out I went into labor on saturday night about midnight and did not know it. I suffered all that night until about 7 am Sunday morning. By that time, I was in so much pain tht I could not tae it any more. My water had not yet broken so I wasn't sure what was going on.
By the time we made it to the hospital, my pains were getting sharper. Nurses came and helped me into bed and got things rolling, when they checked me out I was 10 centimeters. I could not believe it, my baby girl was about to be born.
My daughter, Tara Lynn was born at 7:56 am on Ocober 19th 2008. It was the single greatest moment of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Although you forgot to mention how absolutely gorgeous your baby girl is! :o)
