Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Month

The first days at home were a little crazy. My fiancee, and Tara's father was able to stay home with me for the first week and boy did that help. Although there was little sleep for the both of us that first week.
I had opted to breast feed, and although she had done well in the hospital, being at home without the aid of the nurses was a totally different experience. I thought I had it all down pat, but Tara was a demanding little girl. It seemed like I was always feeding her without any time to rest in between. I could hardly eat or sleep in between feedings, plus she would fall asleep while she was feeding.
What I didn't know was that my daughter was born with a tongue tie. This is where the baby's tongue is tied down in front with a thin little membrane. It affected the way she ate and feeding at the breast. She wasn't gaining weight as she was supposed to. So after many doctor appointments she finally started to gain weight. I was feeding her about every two hours, starting with breast milk an finishing with formula. But still her tongue tie was never far from my mind.
She was in every way a normal baby. She started to smile and recognized my voice. We spent that first month together just getting to know each other. It was something I wouldn't trade for anything. That bond between mother and child had been forged and could never be broken.

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