Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 Months

December brought Tara's 2 month check-up and her first shots. In the first weeks of December, Shad and I decided to get Tara's tongue tie taken care of. She still wasn't gaining weight as she needed to. So I made an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. Luckily, they were able to get us in before Christmas. When they finally called us in and the doctor came to the room, I was very apprehensive about having the procedure done., but the doctor was very friendly and put me at ease. As much as I have heard Tara cry in the last month, I did not think I could be in the room with her when the procedure was done. I handed her over to Shad and left the room with tears already welling in my eyes.
I sat in the waiting room not far from where I left her and as soon as I heard her cries I lost it. Crying so hard, that the other person in the room went to get me a tissue. for which I was grateful. It seemed like only minutes before the doctor opened the door and asked me to come back. Tara had already stopped crying and had her head on her daddy's shoulder. She smiled at me and I was happy to see that she was ok.
Exactly one week later, I took Tara to the pediatrician for her two month check-up and first set of shots :-( I was hopeful that she had gained some weight in the week following the tongue tie procedure. And I wasn't disappointed. She weighed an even 10 pounds! Now I'm not sure how much weight they are suppoed to gain per month, but since she had a hard time gaining weight in the beginning, I was hopeful that this was the start of some major weight gain from month to month. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health and I had to wait for the nurse to come in with the shots. That didn't go well either. She had to swallow 1 and get four shots, all in her little legs. She cried but I think I cried more. I was careful to avoid hurting her legs as I dressed her and took her home as quickly as possible. She slept a lot that day and didn't eat much as I expected. She was also very fussy when she was awake and didn't want to be put down, so I spent much of my day off just holding her and walking with her, not that I minded all that much.
I hate shots myself, so I know these were painful, especially for my tiny little girl.

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