Tuesday, April 21, 2009

5 Months

March brought me to 5 months with Tara and still loving it. March also brought about my 30th birthday. Yes, to answer all those questions, I had been dreading this day for a long time. It wasn't so bad now that I had Tara, but before she was born I had thought I was never going to have any children of my own and that I was getting too old to have any. Now that I am 30, it wasn't so bad I guess.
Well now that she is five months old, she has started teething. It hasn't been so bad that she can't sleep or doesn't want to eat, but she does have periods of extreme crankiness. I have found that most of the teething rings that have water in them and you can freeze are too big for her mouth. I found one that was one one of those bouncer chairs that was small enough for her mouth but she doesn't seem to like them at all.
I actually found that putting a baby carrot in her mouth and letting her suck on it helps a lot and she seems to like sucking on the carrot itself. I was shocked but if she is smiling and happy even though her gums may be sore, then I will do what she wants. I am patiently waiting for her to cut the tooth and she what happens. I am assuming that my wonderful sleep may come to an end and I will be driving her around the block in the car at 2 am but as the child of parents who did it for me, I will do it for my precious little girl as well.

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